🌏The Narrative Template
ScribeWare's default Narrative Template produces a narrative style report that can be used for residential, light commercial, full condo, interior condo, and consultation inspections.
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ScribeWare's default Narrative Template produces a narrative style report that can be used for residential, light commercial, full condo, interior condo, and consultation inspections.
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This is a narrative-style template that includes all of the needed pull-downs to describe the building. This includes a well-flushed-out library with thousands of comments, as well as gunnysack comments and parent-type comments that can be used with photo and caption techniques. This template can be used for residential inspections, light commercial inspections, condo inspections, interior-only inspections, one-item inspections, consultations, and more. It is designed as a report that you can get 50-90% done on-site and finish the report back in the office.
This is a northern climate based template and is west-coast so it has seismic considerations and standards. The following videos unpack some of the logic used to construct and use this template. These will help if you you are going to use and customize this template
The latest version of this template uses observation headings. This makes it a breeze for clients and agents to scan the summary page quickly despite the detailed narrative comments. This video will show you how to build these titles as well as a few other observation formatting tricks.
This video shows how you can delete some of the things that may not apply to your region such as seismic protection. It also goes over several key words you can use in your library to quicky customize a lot of comments to suit your state and climate zone.